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Caring After Care

NCJ Number
Children's Voice Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Dated: (Spring 1995) Pages: 18-20
M Liepold
Date Published
3 pages
Child and family service providers envision each intervention as part of a continuum of care; aftercare, follow-up, or reintegration are part of the plan from the intake stage onward.
Aftercare takes different forms in different areas of child welfare. Aftercare planners open doors between individuals and groups that can help them develop new supports where none exist. This article describes several excellent aftercare programs. For example, group residential care programs show the most consistent awareness of the need for follow-up; many try to connect family, school, agency, and community resources to help the child and his or her family. Many programs work hard to develop independent living skills among their clients, who may include teenaged mothers, other at-risk adolescents, and homeless families struggling with addiction problems.


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