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Capital Punishment for Female Offenders: Present Female Death Row Inmates and Death Sentences and Executions of Female Offenders, January 1, 1973 to March 1, 1991

NCJ Number
V L Streib
Date Published
11 pages
Information about crimes committed by female offenders is provided regarding death sentencing rate and current female death row population.
The number of death sentences imposed upon female offenders each year are listed beginning with the passage of new death penalty statutes in 1972. A detailed listing of offender's name, year crime was committed, race, State, date of crime, date of sentence, and current status is provided for each case of female death sentence imposed. The data were derived from the research of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. and the National Coalition for the Abolition of the Death Penalty. Of the 83 death sentences imposed upon female offenders, since 1973, only 33 remain on death rows in 16 States. Case summaries for each of the current death row inmates provide details about the crimes and sentences in an alphabetical listing of offender by State. 1 table