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Cannabis Dependence and Tolerance Production (From Addiction Potential of Abused Drugs and Drug Classes, P 129-147, 1990, Barry Stimmel, Carlton K Erickson, et al., eds. -- See NCJ-128599)

NCJ Number
D R Compton; W L Dewey; B R Martin
Date Published
19 pages
Studies of the physical dependence liability and abuse potential of cannabis in humans and animals have focused on the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol. These studies have examined the marked tolerance and physical dependence which result from chronic abuse of the drug.
The results of these studies indicate that even under intense exposure regimens, the symptoms of withdrawal are relatively mild in almost all subjects and that tolerance and dependence are not major issues among marijuana users. There are few instances in which abrupt interruption of cannabis use has led to incapacitation of the user. Major issues related to marijuana use are the direct effects of the drug on various bodily systems. However, a small percentage of marijuana users do seek professional assistance to stop their usage and because many users are polydrug abusers, abstinence symptoms may be masked by the continued consumption of other substances. 31 references