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Canadian Police Research Center: Annual Report, 1992-1993

NCJ Number
Date Published
42 pages
The Canadian Police Research Center (CPRC), a joint project of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, and the National Research Council Canada, focuses on the research, development, and evaluation of police equipment.
The Center strives to develop the best equipment for the police community, to keep necessary technology affordable, and to forge partnerships with Canadian industry and the national and international research community. The introductory section of this annual report discusses the CPRC's organization; its financial report; the Center's Industrial Research Assistance Program, which supports technology transfer from the police to Canadian industry; the CPRC's innovative technology platforms; and interactions with other agencies. Research projects described in detail here have focused on equipment related to resource management technology; investigation detection; investigation identification; prevention/protection; prevention, health, and safety; and prevention countermeasures.


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