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Canadian Crime Statistics, 1984

NCJ Number
Date Published
257 pages
1984 data from Canada's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system include nationwide and provincial statistics on aggregate crime and offense categories and clearance rates.
Data on total offenses nationwide for 1975-1984 and percentage distribution of 1984 data are presented, as are crime rates nationwide for 1975-1984. Crime rates are presented by Province for 1975 and 1984. Data on violent crimes encompass 1975 and 1984, and clearance rates for selected violent crimes are presented for 1984. Homicide data encompass 1978-1984, and data on selected sexual offenses cover 1974-82. Data on selected assault offenses pertain to 1974-1982, and statistics for selected robbery offenses are presented for 1975-1984. Clearance rates for various offense categories are presented by Province for 1984 and for 1975-1984. Appendixes contain a listing of municipal police departments by size; a summary of UCR rules and definitions; and the population of Canada, the Provinces, and the Territories for 1974-1984. Tables and figures.


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