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Canada's Circles of Support and Accountability: A Community Justice Initiative for High-Risk Sex Offenders

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 66 Issue: 7 Dated: December 2004 Pages: 98-101
Stacey Hannem; Michael Petrunik
Date Published
December 2004
4 pages
This article describes the restorative justice practice of Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) practiced in Canada.
In 1986, legislation that was designed to keep high-risk offenders away from the public actually created a loophole that allowed certain high risk offenders to be released at the conclusion of their sentence without any community supervision requirement. Canadian authorities realized that releasing high risk offenders, especially those convicted of sex crimes against children, into a fearful and hostile community would not serve the public interest. As such, the COSA initiative came about with the understanding that community protection can be enhanced by a restorative approach that combines offender reintegration with a concern for public safety. The development of this approach in Canada came about as a result of public outcry following a high-profile case in which a released sex offender killed a child. COSA works by uniting four to seven trained team members in a covenant with a high-risk sex offender in order to provide the offender with assistance obtaining work, housing and recreation, social assistance, and community resources. The criteria for successful COSA’s include open communication between COSA team members and the criminal justice system. The COSA model requires a careful balance between reintegration and risk management concerns, but the effort provides enhanced community safety and valuable community reintegration services that help keep offenders from recidivating. 7 Endnotes