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Campus Safety: A Survey of Administrative Perceptions and Strategies

NCJ Number
C A Wiggins; C A Wiggins; C A Wiggins
Date Published
34 pages
A sample of 701 colleges and universities responded to a survey conducted by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators to assess campus safety and security.
While most respondents indicated that their campuses were relatively safe, about 80 percent agreed there was room for improvement in the security area. Most institutions have experienced significant internal and external concern about safety and most keep campus crime statistics. The respondents indicated that libraries, academic buildings, and residence halls seem to be the safest areas while off-campus housing, fraternities and sororities, and adjacent neighborhoods are considered least safe. The survey covered issues of lighting, campus foot patrols, and safety education and awareness programs. Successful safety programs were categorized as traditional services; education and support programs; planning, policy, and information strategies; environmental and technological modifications; and community action. 9 tables and 1 appendix


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