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Campaign for Victims Rights Practical Guide, 1985

NCJ Number
C Edmunds; K McLaughlin; M Young; J Stein
Date Published
50 pages
The themes and implementation strategies for Victim Rights Week 1985, held April 14-20, are discussed.
Suggested activities (presentations, meetings, educational materials) are presented for the seven major, daily themes. These include the year's accomplishments in the area of victims' rights, the emotional trauma of the victim, crisis intervention, victim services and counseling needs, and funding and resources for victim services. Fact sheets are provided on the aftermath of crime, crisis intervention, short- and long-term victimization effects, and emotional trauma and its management. In addition, guidelines for speechmaking and other public relations activities are provided with an emphasis on effective utilization of the media (radio, television, and newspapers). Sample news releases, letters, public service announcements and other materials also are included.