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16 pages
The various programs offered by Camp Oakland Youth Programs, Inc. for delinquent, abused and neglected adolescents are described in the company's 1993 annual report.
Camp Oakland Youth Programs, located in Michigan, focuses on the prevention of delinquency through early intervention with children with behavior problems. In its annual report for 1993, the company describes its various programs. In the newest program, Camp Oakland Adolescent Boot Camp, up to 25 boys, age 15 to 17, participate in a strict military-style boot camp after being referred by the juvenile division of probate court. The trainees usually are referred after violations that may have been felonies if the offenders were 18 or older. In another program, adolescents are referred by the probate court to one of three Day Student Centers. The 12-hour-a-day regimen of work, school, therapy and recreation is seen as a cheaper and more effective alternative to 24-hour residential care. Travel Camp provides a summer adventure that includes group therapy for children between 12 and 17 who have been referred following hearings because of abuse, neglect or delinquency. In March 1993, a child day care center was opened as part of Camp Oakland's program of early prevention of problems that can disrupt children's lives later. Other programs are Intensive In- Home Probation, the Work Education Program, Adventure Center and the Supervised Independent Living program.