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This video describes a weekend camping program used by the Dwight Women's Correctional Institution in Illinois to help the inmates bond with their children and assure the children that their mothers are being well treated by a caring staff.
The spoken narrative of the video is provided by correctional staff members involved in the program and inmates who have participated in the program. The video presentation consists of the facilities and activities of the camp and close-ups of staff and inmates who are commenting on the program. This demonstration program was funded by the Federal Government. Twelve inmates and their children sleep overnight in tents on the grounds of the institution each weekend that weather permits. The only qualification for participation in the program is that the inmate have children under age 16 and not be in segregation. Security for the camp is unobtrusive. Games are used to provide a context for interaction between mothers and their children and among all members of the camping group. Unstructured time is provided so that inmates and their children can have one-on-one conversations. All of the inmate participants agreed that the most meaningful time was that spent with their children in the tent before bedtime. Staff and participants agree that the program is important for the maintenance of a bond between the parent and child while the mother is in prison.