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California Youth Authority - 40 Years of Service to California (1941-1981)

NCJ Number
YOUTH AUTHORITY QUARTERLY Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring/Summer 1981) Pages: Complete Issue
Date Published
50 pages
This issue recounts the history and programs of the California Youth Authority (CYA), which was established in 1941.
The earliest pioneers of the CYA are pictured in an introductory text describing the creation of CYA. Facilities of the CYA are described, including conservation camps, reception centers, and farms. Progressive treatment methods are noted, such as psychiatric programs first instituted in the 1950's, community-based programs, and grievance procedures. The CYA is committed to improving correctional services for youthful offenders, as well as preventing other yound people from entering the criminal justice system. The development and transfer of knowledge and its practical application to correctional and prevention programs has become both a process and a declared goal of the CYA. Activities of CYA's various departments are reviewed, including planning, research, and development; management services; prevention and community corrections; parole services; and institutions and camps. The report notes that as of August 1981, there were 5,800 youthful offenders housed in 10 institutions and 6 conservation camps operated by the CYA. Attention also is given to the many educational programs run at CYA facilities. Photographs supplement the text.