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California Youth Authorities Affirmative Action Statistics Report Number 15

NCJ Number
Date Published
42 pages
The report describes trends in the California Youth Authority's (YA's) Affirmative Action Program, adopted in 1974, during the 12-month period ending March 31, 1981. Comparative data are presented to show the ethnic distribution of the YA ward population for the period.
Data were gathered from the YA's internal reporting system, from State personnel board records, and from the State's research division. The proportion of minorities among total YA personnel showed a gain of 3.7 percent. There was an increase of 0.6 percent for women. Blacks composed 20 percent of the work force, or 0.4 percent below the YA's affirmative action goals; Spanish surnamed were 14.4 percent of the workforce, or 0.7 percent above the annual goal; and Asians were 0.7 percent above the goal. Data are also given for Native Americans, Filipinos, and others. Tables and a list of YA job titles are included.