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California Prisoners, 1980 - Summary Statistics of Felon Prisoners and Parolees

NCJ Number
D Good; J Rouse
Date Published
192 pages
The California prison population increased by 1,937 persons in 1980, the largest annual increase experienced in a single year since 1974.
On Dec. 31, 1980, there were 23,264 felons in California institutions, including 22,177 men and 1,087 women. A total of 11,080 men were paroled during the year; 225 men were discharged at expiration of sentence; and 46 men died in prison. The total felon and civil narcotic addict population supervised in California and out of State numbered 13,019. The report consists mainly of charts and tables showing institution population and movement, felons newly received from court, and characteristics of felons in prison and released from prison. Data are given on felon parole population and movement, characteristics of felons on parole, parole suspension, reinstatement, and felons discharged from parole. Tables also characterize felons returned to California prison and work furlough programs. Data on specific institutions are appended.