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California Dropouts: A Status Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
48 pages
This analysis of school dropouts in California focuses on the reasons students drop out of school, programs for preventing dropping out, issues involved in defining a dropout, and the potential efforts of recent educational reform efforts on the problem of dropouts.
Study data came from a review of current research, an examination of data provided by all high school and unified districts in California, and site visits to 10 school districts. Existing research emphasizes the multiplicity of causes of dropping out, including personal and family characteristics and school-related variables. Dropout prevention programs vary according to their curricula, location and auspices, instructional processes, staff, schedule, and related services. Matching students with programs currently does not occur in a systematic way. California's school districts vary widely in their definitions and estimates of dropout rates. A useful way to define a dropout is as any student in grade 10, 11, or 12 leaving school prior to the completion of a formal education and not enrolling in another public or private program within 45 days. The effects on dropout rates of educational reforms designed to raise standards are not yet clear. Recommendations, list of initiatives by the California State Department of Education, tables, and 51 references.