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California Department of the Youth Authority - Annual Report Program Description and Statistical Summary, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
42 pages
Institutions of the California Youth Authority (CYA) held 5,930 offenders by the end of 1981. A new intake policy for offenders over 18 years old was instituted in order to screen out the most criminally sophisticated, and two precamp programs were established.
Parole populations increased slightly in 1981, from 6,971 to 6,998. A new classification system was implemented to make the most efficient use of each parole agent's time. Eighteen projects were created to the Planning, Research, Evaluation, and Development Branch to clarify employee performance and set performance standards. Data tables and narrative give information on commitments to the CYA, movement of population, length of institutional stay, parole movement and length of stay on parole, parole performance, and long-term trends. Budget data and profiles of typical CYA wards are included. Photographs, a map, and an institutional and parole office directory are included.