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CAD Procurement

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 28 Issue: 7 Dated: July 2001 Pages: 58-60,62,64
Donna Rogers
Date Published
July 2001
5 pages
This article examines what a law enforcement agency needs to consider before procuring a CAD system.
Buying a CAD system has many more layers than just purchasing a single software program. The article suggests that the prospective user first do the following: (1) define the users' needs; (2) survey existing and/or desired applications; (3) survey CAD's that are compatible with those applications and with the host environment; (4) assess the capabilities of the existing RF network relative to various CAD's and applications; (5) assess the host data network, the LAN and the ports that access the network under development; (6) choose the new applications and CAD; (7) design and execute the changes to both the RF network and the host; (8) test in the laboratory--tie radios, PC's and mobile applications together to see if they meet expectations; (9) install on a larger scale; (10) field test; and (11) train the users. This can be one of the most important steps since it establishes the appropriate level of expectation among those who will ultimately determine its level of success.