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Business of Policing: Managing for Value

NCJ Number
THE POLICE CHIEF Volume: 77 Issue: 6 Dated: June 2010 Pages: 38-40
Tony Veneziano
Date Published
June 2010
3 pages
This article discusses key areas of consideration for police managers when managing for value.
Managing for value means doing the right things, the right way. It is a collective responsibility, requiring all members of the organization/police agency to continuously think about what they are doing, why they are doing it, and ensure it is the most effective way of achieving the things they want to achieve. When considering managing for value there are several key areas to be considered: (1) people: the largest expenditure and most important resource; 92) effective supervision: usually the difference between success and failure; (3) processes; (4) projects: doing the right things, the right way; (5) assets: make optimal use and ensure they are safeguarded; (6) reliable information; (7) contracts: get the best value and hold vendors accountable; (8) performance indicators-measuring outcomes and outputs; (9) risk: must be managed; and (10) managing for value: every police manager's responsibility.


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