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Burglary in Victoria - The Offence

NCJ Number
Braybrook; J Hendtlass; M Welsh
Date Published
60 pages
This report presents data and analysis of all burglaries reported to police in Victoria (Australia) between February 12, 1982, and August 11, 1982. Generally, burglary occurred more often in metropolitan Melbourne than would be expected from the population distribution in the State.
The study analyzed police modus-operandi forms submitted to the Statistics Section of the Information Bureau for the period examined. Samples of 1 in every 10 nonarrest reports (3,074) and 1 in every 5 arrest reports (1,142) for burglary were surveyed. Differences between categorical variables were tested for statistical significance using the chi-square test, and differences between continuous variables were tested using Sudent's t-test. Data are provided on the general characteristics of burglaries and on residential and nonresidential burglaries. Based on the analysis, it is recommended that (1) citizens reduce the time buildings remain obviously unprotected by using security inspections, alarm systems, or improved neighborhood surveillance; (2) police give high priority to breaking the distribution network for stolen goods and (3) a victim survey be implemented. 38 references.