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Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Achilles Program: Protecting America, Firearms Enforcement Division

NCJ Number
Date Published
34 pages
This booklet provides an overview of inception, development, and accomplishments of the Achilles Program, an initiative of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) that focuses on firearms law enforcement.

This strategy centers on the enforcement of two Federal laws: the Armed Career Criminal Statute and the armed drug trafficker/Federal crime of violence statute. ATF believes that violent criminals are particularly vulnerable to the application of these Federal firearms laws because, unlike narcotics or other forms of contraband, firearms are not easily disposable. In addition, they often provide a history of the criminal and can link the criminal to other crimes, and they often provide useful intelligence about the offender's criminal associates. The Achilles Program focuses ATF resources, along with those of State and local counterparts, in communities with the most serious levels of gun-related violence. The program uses the Federal laws to incarcerate violent offenders with lengthy mandatory sentences. In addition, ATF is developing a comprehensive national firearms trafficking strategy known as the Violence Reduction Alliance to work together with the Achilles program. Tables, figure, map, and summary of investigative guidelines