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Building a Technology Foundation for Correctional Industries

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 64 Issue: 4 Dated: July 2002 Pages: 56-58,110
Greg Benton; Richard Schweigert
Date Published
July 2002
4 pages
This article discusses the use of new efficient technology for correctional industries.
Many correctional industries have inefficient and obsolete technologies that slow program growth and impact business development. Private industry has continuously improved customer response, new product marketing, and the manufacture and delivery process by using new technologies and adopting the Internet as the current mode of business transaction. New technology also streamlines order management; allows for financial record keeping and reporting; results in paperless and rapid supplier transactions; increases visibility; and provides gains in operational efficiencies. The problems faced by State correctional industries in gaining manufacturing recognition as a viable source of manufacturing labor are the inability to leverage a unified technology and communications platform, and personnel and budget constraints that make acquisition of technology resources difficult. Proper planning and in-depth options analysis are important. A checklist of things to consider are: (1) aligning costs with benefits for business operations; (2) setting realistic goals; (3) defining the necessary changes in process and work environment; (4) establishing the functionality, tools, and infrastructure necessary to build the solution; (5) determining the total cost of ownership; and (6) forecasting spending, establishing project justification, and projecting return on investment. The Prison Unity in Manufacturing Alliance (PUMA) is a program specifically for correctional industries that takes into account many of these key factors in information technology and business decision-making. Oracle and Agilera have combined to bring Oracle technology to e-business as a turnkey vertical correctional industries solution. It includes on-site mapping/planning, implementation, user license for prescriptive applications that enable Web transactions, managed services, and ongoing application management. The Oracle technology has been jointly developed with PUMA to mitigate risk and provide cost containment.


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