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Building Better Boards for Alcohol Service Organizations: A Self-Help Guide to Board Development in the 1990's

NCJ Number
Date Published
80 pages
This is a self-help guide for the development of boards of directors, with the focus on alcohol and drug treatment service organizations in California.
The guide first profiles types of boards. These are the "administrative board" which sets policy for an organization and conducts some or all of the organization's operations; the "advisory board" which provides advice to a person or another organization on designated issues or business; and the "policy making board" which makes policy decisions for the organization regarding mission, goals, and objectives. The latter type of board is the governing body for the typical nonprofit organization. The guide then defines the nature and functional areas of policymaking. A chapter on "Board Survival Skills" discusses the board's fiscal responsibilities, the recruitment and retention of board members, the value of and procedures for planning, evaluation of the board, and improvement in board functioning. The concluding chapter describes how to assess the board's training needs, which involves a determination of the board's strengths and weaknesses. Work sheets and a needs- assessment questionnaire are provided. 17-item bibliography