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Buddy Boys: When Good Cops Turn Bad

NCJ Number
M McAlary
Date Published
288 pages
Focusing on a central figure (Henry Winter) in New York City's 77th precinct police scandal of the late 1980's, this book examines the nature and causes of the corruption.
Henry Winter entered the New York City Police Department as a devoted police officer and family man who had never broken the law. From being an honest cop, he became a "tough" cop who often took the law into his own hands. He was banished to the "Alamo" (77th precinct) -- the Brooklyn dumping ground for department disciplinary problems. This precinct serves the neighborhoods of Bedford-Stuyvesant and Crown Heights, ghettos that annually produce more homicides than the entire city of Boston. The entire precinct was corrupt. The corruption involved officers robbing drug dealers in broad daylight and setting up fake robberies, selling the drugs and goods themselves. The precinct took pride in being an elite gang of criminal cops who called themselves "The Buddy Boys." After being exposed, Winter and his partner, Tony Magno, consented to wear a wire and set up a "sting" operation to obtain evidence on other corrupt officers. Thirteen officers have been indicted. Winter cites as reasons for his corruption the addictive thrill of danger, the irresistible temptations, and the need to be "the Man." (Publisher summary modified)

Sale Source
G P Putnam's Sons

200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States

Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America


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