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British Crime Survey, 1998, England and Wales

NCJ Number
C Mirrlees-Black; T Budd; S Partridge; P Mayhew
Date Published
105 pages
This report presents the numbers and trends in crime against persons living in private households England and Wales in 1997 as recorded in the British Crime Survey (BCS), trends since 1981, a comparison of findings from this survey and crime recorded by the police, and victimization risks.
The BCS recorded a decline between 1995 and 1997 in nearly all the offenses it measured. Burglary declined by 7 percent, violence by 17 percent, and thefts of vehicles by 25 percent. Overall, crime declined by 14 percent since the last survey, which covered crime in 1995. There were four times as many property crimes as violent crimes. Risks of crime were highest for young people, unemployed persons, single parents, private renters, persons living in inner-city areas, and persons living in areas of high physical disorder. Figures, tables, footnotes, appended tables and methodological information, and index