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Breath Test Statistics: England and Wales, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
26 pages
Statistics on the number of drivers in England and Wales required in 1991 to submit to breath tests or required to provide samples of breath, blood, or urine for the purposes of court evidence are presented.
The statistics show that 562,000 screening breath tests were reported in England and Wales during 1991, a decrease of 34,000 from 1990, but an increase of 22,000 over 1989 figures. There were 83,000 positive screening tests, representing 15 percent of the total; since 1988, the number of positive results has decreased by 18,000 even though the number of tests performed has increased significantly. Of the 83,000 figure, 78,000 were positive evidential tests, a decrease of 11,000 from 1990. The number of tests performed after vehicular accidents decreased by 15,000 in 1991, of which 12 percent were positive. Sixty-one thousand screening tests were conducted during the 1991 Christmas season, of which 3,300 were positive. 4 figures, 12 tables, and 13 notes