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Breakthrough - Women in Law Enforcement

NCJ Number
E S Smith
Date Published
157 pages
Although women's professional participation in law enforcement is recent and still fraught with stereotyped myths and prejudices, the profiles assembled in this volume illustrate the success with which individual women have established careers in a variety of investigative, policing, and custodial specialties.
The women profiled work as an undercover agent, a jailer, a marine patrol agent, a mounted police officer, an FBI agent, a correctional superintendent, a border patrol agent, a police detective, an airport security agent, and a director of a State prison. The story of each subject is related in terms of experiences and job-related problems that have affected her business and personal life. Action photographs illustrate the nature of the different fields of specialization. Appendixes give a State-by-State list of educational facilities in criminal justice and a listing of jobs available within the criminal justice system. A glossary is also provided.