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Born or Made To Kill?

NCJ Number
Police Journal Volume: 68 Issue: 2 Dated: (April-June 1995) Pages: 159-167
L F Lowenstein
Date Published
9 pages
This article seeks to answer questions related to the controversy over whether killers and other violent criminals are genetically predisposed to crime or whether their actions are a product of their environment.
There is no clear evidence that criminals are born vicious and cruel or grow up to learn such behavior; the most likely explanation is that both nature and nurture must be considered as interacting. Some early warning signs of possible later criminality and violence may include an insensitivity to the feelings, needs, and safety of others; a lack of remorse or guilt over dangerous or violent actions; a history of problem behaviors including delinquency, antisocial behavior, promiscuity, and high-risk activities such as gambling and drug use; and a lack of emotional awareness of the moral nature of one's actions. While the debate over treatment versus rehabilitation continues, the approach recommended here to help seriously disturbed youth in order to avoid later criminality involves providing meaningful objective diagnosis of the child's problems, providing sufficient control, providing optimum care and understanding, providing specialized education and vocational training, and preparing the child for independent living. 46 references

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United Kingdom