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NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Dated: (October 1993) Pages: 13-16
J Klein-Saffran; D A Chapman; J L Jeffers
Date Published
4 pages
This article describes the Federal Bureau of Prison's (BOP) military-style boot camp program for criminal offenders.
An emerging approach toward prisoner rehabilitation particularly for first time offenders is shock incarceration. The goal is to discourage participants' future involvement with crime and prepare them for reentry into society through a strict military boot camp-type regimen. Prisoners are exposed to strict discipline, physical training, military drills, labor- intensive work details and, in some cases, substance abuse counseling and educational and vocational training. This article describes the evolution and operation of the (BOP) boot camp program for male prisoners located in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Eligibility requirements, the orientation program and the typical daily regimen are covered. After successful completion of the 180-day boot camp program, inmates serve the rest of their sentences in a community-based program. The steps taken to reintegrate inmates into the community from this phase of the program are explained. According to the article, BOP is conducting a thorough evaluation of the program's development, operations and costs. Program participants are being compared to a matched sample of offenders in more traditional programs. Postrelease followup of program graduates is being done to evaluate the programs success in meeting its goals.