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Booking Reporting Service Specification, Version 1.0

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2016

This service specification is a formal description of the capabilities made available through the Booking Reporting Service, and is composed of a description of the Service, Service Interface Descriptions, and the schemas and samples used to implement and test the service.


This document provides a formal description of the Booking Reporting Service; it contains information about all aspects of the service that are not directly tied to its physical implementation, i.e., the service interface. The Service Overview section notes that the purpose of Booking Reporting is to provide information in a timely manner, keep justice partners and systems updated with the current details and cases, and provide the ability to report information collected at the booking facility during offender intake. It also describes the scope, capabilities, real-world effects, security classification, and other basic information about Booking Reporting Services. The Service Interoperability Requirements section presents a list of the Service Interaction Requirements established by the (Global Reference Architecture) GRA Framework and indicates whether each is mandatory for the Booking Reporting Service; it also provides details about consumer authentication and authorization requirements; identity and attribute assertion transmission; message nonrepudiation, integrity, confidentiality, and addressing requirements; metadata availability requirements, and more. The document also provides information about where Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD) Reference can be found, and notes data output and provenance requirements.