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Board of Visitor Adjudications

NCJ Number
D Smith; C Austin; J Ditchfield
Date Published
50 pages
This British study tests whether prisoners facing adjudication by the Board of Visitors adequately understand the procedures involved and whether they would better be able to prepare their case by having the procedures explained to them by a board member.
The Board of Visitors in England and Wales hears cases involving inmate disciplinary infractions. Study findings indicate that most inmates did not have a clear idea before the hearing of what the order of procedures would be and reading an instruction form helped very little. Having a board member explain adjudication procedures to the prisoner did not help them present their case more effectively. Most prisoners indicated, however, that this minor innovation boosted their confidence somewhat. The report identifies other problems inmates face in presenting their cases. Appendixes include 11 references, a list of some prison rules, and the form explaining adjudication procedures. Study data and footnotes are included.