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NCJ Number
Date Published
36 pages
The 1990 annual report of the New York City Police Department addresses the notable activities of the agency for the year.
The 1990 annual report of the New York City Police Department begins with an interview with Police Chief Lee Brown who was appointed on January 22, 1990. Among the issues Chief Brown addressed were his plans to implement community policing. Some of the notable activities for the year were the completion of a comprehensive personnel needs study, the appointment of an independent Firearms Policy Review Committee, appointment of 2,607 probationary police officers and introduction of Operation Park, Walk and Talk, part of a campaign to provide high-visibility foot patrols in busy areas. The report also contains statistics on crime in New York City and a comparison of New York's crime rate to that in other major cities. Graphs which illustrate the personnel makeup of the department by rank, gender and ethnic background are also included. Finally, the report lists the equipment available to the department.