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Blue Hills Anti-crime Program - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
26 pages
The goals and activities of program components are presented for the Blue Hills Anti-Crime Program (Kansas City, Mo.).
The program, funded under an LEAA grant, began operations on October 15, 1978, and ended June 15, 1981. The agency responsible for the program, Blue Hills Homes Corporation, is a nonprofit Missouri corporation which oversees programming in the areas of education, housing rehabilitation, and real estate. The project's targeted area encompasses a 160-block neighborhood consisting primarily of single-family residences. The population is about 90 percent black, and the neighborhood has historically experienced high rates of unemployment and crime. Problems to be addressed by the project were the lack of a definite systematic approach to community development which would enable adults to overcome their fears, reassert themselves, and retake possession of their yards and streets on a block-by-block basis; and the lack of an effective program for youth in the neighborhood which would deal with unemployment, vocational training, recreation, and idleness. Program components intended to deal with these problems have been block organization, youth organization, program development, victim/witness services, and services for the elderly. Original proposal objectives and the objectives of the continuation proposal are presented for each of the aforementioned program components. Activities implemented over the grant period are also described.