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Black People in Prison: The Role of the Education Service

NCJ Number
Date Published
20 pages
A seminar held in London, England in 1987 gathered staff members of prisons and local governments together to discuss ways in which prison education departments can respond effectively to the needs of the relatively high numbers of minority inmates of British prisons.
The seminar considered the needs of inmates of African, West Indian, or Asian origin who either emigrated to Great Britain or were born there. Participants discussed needs for learning materials, involvement of minority organizations, libraries, and staff training. They concluded that all prison officials must work together to eliminate racism, particularly in rural areas with small minority populations. Other needs include coordination among education staff, probation officers, prison staff, and chaplains; staff training on black history and achievements and the use of learning materials in non-standard achievement; increased recruitment of minority group members as prison educators; improved libraries; and involvement of black voluntary organizations. Additional recommendations, list of organizations represented at the seminar, and summaries of presentations are included.


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