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Beyond Victim: You Can Overcome Childhood Abuse, Even Sexual Abuse

NCJ Number
M Baldwin
Date Published
328 pages
Based on the author's own experience as a victim of child sexual abuse and what she has learned from her sexually abused clients as a psychotherapist, this book is a step-by-step guide through the stages of the healing process for such victims.
Section 1 is an overview of the issues in addressing incest/sexual abuse. It describes 23 patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior common for women sexually abused as children or adolescents. Additionally, there are seven 'payoffs' for keeping the abuse secret and refusing to resolve it. Section 2 contains the story of the author's own healing experiences. Section 3 begins with an outline of the stages and steps of healing after sexual abuse. It introduces the reader to members of a women's therapy group which meets weekly to discuss issues involved in their sexual abuse as children. Their experiences are recounted as they acknowledge their abuse and express associated feelings and consequences. The book identifies the crucial elements in the healing of sexual abuse: 'owning' and remembering incest/sexual abuse, releasing rage and sorrow, mastering the fundamentals, forgiveness and confrontation, and transformation. 95-item bibliography.


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