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Beyond 9/11: Terrorism and Media in a Mid-term Period View (1998-2005)

NCJ Number
Global Crime Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Dated: November 2007 Pages: 381-392
Paolo Campana
Date Published
November 2007
12 pages
The study reconstructs the trends in terrorist attacks between 1998 and 2005, and examines their subsequent media coverage in seven international daily newspapers.
Results suggest that the trend of terrorist attacks is increasing with a sharp escalation starting from 2004. From a media viewpoint, the September 11 attacks marked a definite change of scenario, with a generalized increase in coverage and a level above the average during the whole period following the attacks. Considering the relationship between coverage and real word indicators some statistically significant dynamics of over/underrepresentation emerge, identifying three sub-periods and two swap points: September 2001 connected with September 11, and November 2004 connected with the Iraqi events. Dynamics of representation connected with the geopolitical proximity/distance of the country touched by terrorist attacks. And finally, an initial analysis of the Iraqi case caused the emergence of some interesting aspects: a change of scenario occurred in November 2004 with a media underrepresentation following a previous overrepresentation, an overall overrepresentation of suicide missions and an underrepresentation of kidnappings, and a statistically significant although negative correlation between coverage and real word indicators. Analysis illustrates media coverage that is not only marginally connected with the attacks carried out in Iraqi, but rather markedly connected with other factors generally considered internal to western countries. A short methodological discussion on the issue of terrorism measurement, from its operational definition to the choice of the database on which to collect data suitable for analysis, is detailed. Tables, figures