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Behavioral Prosthetics - Preparation of Police Reports for Criminal Prosecution

NCJ Number
M A Domash
Date Published
51 pages
This paper reports on the results of a permanent prosthetic program installed to address problems in the preparation of criminal investigation reports in the Metropolitan Police Department of Nashville and Davidson County, Tenn.
Prosthetic programs permanently alter environmental conditions under which tasks are performed to facilitate performance, in contrast to training programs which provide temporary experiences to improve task performance upon return to normal conditions. Officers, who had previously prepared reports without assistance, visited the case preparation room to dictate accounts of incidents leading to arrests and to review with a staff member case elements required by State legal code for criminal prosecution. Compared to reports prepared without assistance, reports prepared in the case preparation room documented more case elements, were completed in fewer days following arrests, and received higher ratings from assistant district attorneys. Operation of a permanent prosthetic program available to approximately 945 officers proved a practical solution to improving the preparation of criminal investigation reports. Tables, graphs, seven references, and study instruments are included. (Author abstract modified)