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Behavioral Economics of Drug Self-Administration and Drug Abuse Policy

NCJ Number
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Issue: 2 Dated: (September 1991) Pages: 377-393
S R Hursh
Date Published
17 pages
This paper summarizes the general concepts of behavior economics as applied to drug-reinforced behavior and proposes an agenda for future applications.
The proposed behavioral agenda involves the assessment of abuse liability, the assay of drug-reinforcer interactions, a framework for designing drug abuse interventions, and the formulation of drug abuse policy. These separate areas of investigation are described as part of an overall strategy for designing model projects to control drug use and testing public policy initiatives. An empirical approach to public policy formulation in the area of drug abuse calls for extensive knowledge of both the principles of behavior and the prevailing dynamics of the illicit drug market. A figure diagrams an overall and self-correcting strategy for public policy formulation and implementation. Evaluation results provide feedback to the policy formulation process and to the research community. Provisions must be made to ensure that the system can adjust rapidly to this feedback. Laboratory studies show that delays imposed between changes in behavior and changes in the controlling environment can result in unintended effects on subsequent behavior. 17 figures and 36 references


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