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Beenleigh Calls for Service Project: Evaluation Project

NCJ Number
D Budz
Date Published
100 pages
A 6-month experiment to test the use of problem-oriented policing in the Beenleigh Police Division in Queensland, Australia was evaluated with respect to its effectiveness in reducing the number of repeat calls, reducing the cost of repeat calls, improving the information management system, and increasing police support for problem-solving.
Detailed planning for the project began in early 1996. The Criminal Justice Commission's Research Division analyzed records of calls for service and compiled a workbook detailing calls for service in areas generating the highest number of calls. The police officer used the workbook to follow the four stages of the SARA problem-solving model: scanning, analysis, response, and assessment. Twenty addresses were selected and grouped into 2 target groups of 10 addresses each. Evaluation data came from case studies, an analysis of trends in the number of calls for service, and interviews and surveys of police officers. Results revealed that the project was reasonably effective in demonstrating the effectiveness of using the problem-solving approach to deal with repeat calls for service. Few difficulties occurred in implementing the project. Nevertheless, most Beenleigh police officers had little awareness of the project. Findings indicated that police officers must have access to accurate and timely local information to analyze incidence and identify any potential policing problems; that problem-solving needs strong support at the local, district, and regional levels; and that the goals and benefits of problem-solving need to be properly communicated to the police and the public. Tables, figures, and appended case studies and background materials