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Bayview Alternative - Humanity and Enlightenment in Offender Rehabilitation and Re-Entry to Society

NCJ Number
S Cerrato
Date Published
17 pages
A correctional officer's visit to the Bayview Correctional Facility, a medium-security adult women's facility with a community and service orientation in New York City, provides the basis for this report.
The resident population of this facility, which is part of Region 1 of the New York State correctional system, fluctuates between 150 to 200 adult female offenders. Bayview's rehabilitation program is one of the few programs in the State that attempts to provide services above and beyond mere incarceration. Residents are encouraged to discuss their individual problems or program grievances with psychologists and staff members, yet there is no direct channel of communication between the inmates and the administration. Inmate grievances are treated as personal discontents in line with the institution's therapeutic orientation. An organized committee comprised of inmates and ex-offenders can represent a movement towards self determination and can help to alleviate the feelings of victimization. The South 40 Corporation, a community-based group of Region 1 ex-offenders, attempts to prepare inmates for their eventual release into the community. More far reaching efforts could be initiated in this direction, including work release programs; weekend and conjugal visits; and courses in reading, writing, and academic skills as well as vocational training.