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NCJ Number
Date Published
16 pages
This information booklet for battered women separates myths from realities and describes possible courses of action.
One in six women in South Africa is battered by a husband or boyfriend. Cultural influences help create and perpetuate the problem. Among the myths that are shattered are that drink and drugs cause battering; that battering victims disproportionately are black, working class, and uneducated; and that battered women ask for it, like it, or are destined for battering relationships. Often, battered women stay in their abusive relationship due to fear, shame, self-blame, denial of the problem, lack of alternatives, lack of self-esteem, children¦s best interests, or other reasons. Talking about the problem and knowing the legal recourses helps. Ultimately, a battered woman must be willing to risk change, and find strength from within and from the support of others. Illustrations