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Basics of CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) (From Physical Security - Readings From Security Management Magazine, P 325-361, 1986, Shari Mendelson Gallery, ed. - See NCJ-101017)

NCJ Number
H Kruegle
Date Published
38 pages
This paper identifies factors that must be considered in the selection of a closed circuit television (CCTV) surveillance system and discusses the equipment technical capabilities in relation to site characteristics and security requirements.
Before selecting CCTV surveillance equipment, the security manager must determine the scene to be viewed and the field of view the camera should cover. This information is the basis for lens selection. Various lighting levels and light sources in the surveillance area must also be ascertained so as to select the camera that will provide the desired quality of picture under the range of lighting conditions. Camera placement should permit adequate viewing of the entire scene and prevent adverse lighting effects. The priority of picture quality versus cost must be decided along with the type of mounting and housing required under site conditions. Whether or not the camera should be hidden, the power source and camera voltage required, the availability of coaxial cable, the distance of the monitor from the camera, and monitor characteristics must also be considered. The CCTV evaluation should determine if recording capability is required, and if so, the optimum recording time capability. Glossary.


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