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Authoritative Resources: Four Technology Centers of Excellence

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 35 Issue: 10 Dated: October 2008 Pages: 156,158,161
Rebecca Kanable
Date Published
October 2008
5 pages
This article describes the four technology-based centers of excellence (COE) within the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) system and provides expertise in communications, forensics, sensors, surveillance and biometrics, or weapons and protective systems.
The Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) at the Pennsylvania State University received $3.2 million for the Weapons and Protective Systems COE. The center supports the U.S Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program’s (OJP’s) efforts to enhance the safety of law enforcement and corrections officers and put into use safer, more effective less-lethal devices in support of officers. The National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) in Florida received $6 million for the Forensic COE to support numerous OJP research and development initiatives relating to forensic science and technology. Drakontas, located in New Jersey received $3.68 million for the Communications COE to provide a means for testing, evaluating, and demonstrating communication tools and technologies. International Biometric Group (IBG), in New York City, is receiving $2.95 million for the Sensors, Surveillance and Biometric COE to support OJP’s law enforcement and corrections biometrics and surveillance technology projects. These four technology-based COE initiated by OJP and focusing on four areas of technology, assist the broader law enforcement and corrections communities through technical working groups that bring users/practitioners together to identify, review, and prioritize requirements to fill operating capability gaps.