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Australian Criminology Information Bulletin

NCJ Number
Australian Criminology Information Bulletin Volume: 5 Issue: 6 Dated: (February 1995) Pages: complete issue
J Myrtle
Date Published
28 pages
This is the final issue of the Australian Criminology Information Bulletin; the publication is being discontinued because of budget cutbacks and because of the electronic availability of CINCH, the Australian criminology database.
The bulletin discusses changes in the CINCH database, additions to the OZLINE service, legal material available from the J.V. Barry Memorial Library of the Australian Institute of Criminology, National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) microfiche, and forthcoming conferences and meetings. The bulk of the newsletter is comprised of recent records from the CINCH database, covering topics ranging from aborigines and AIDS to alcohol, child abuse, conflict resolution, corrections, corruption, courts, crime commission, crime patterns, crime prevention, criminal justice, criminology, detention, deviant behavior, discrimination, drugs and drug law enforcement, evidence, family violence, forensics, fraud, gambling, homicide, juvenile offenders, lawyers and law services, mental health, minorities, organized crime, police, prisoners, rehabilitation, sentencing, sex offenses, victims, and violence.