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Audit Report: Performance Audit of the Office of Special Alternative Incarceration Field Operations Administration Department of Corrections March 1, 1988 through October 31, 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
14 pages
This report presents the results of a performance audit of the Michigan Office of Special Alternative Incarceration (SAI), Field Operations Administration, Department of Corrections, which is an alternative to prison incarceration for offenders who have never been committed to a prison.
The SAI program was established as an alternative to prison for qualified offenders who are in need of a highly disciplined and structured program coupled with work and programming. One audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Office of Special Alternative Incarceration in diverting offenders from prison. Based on a review of SAI Program eligibility, a review of the program's basic design, and the results of a recidivism study of graduates compared to independent evaluations, the auditors concluded that the office was generally effective in diverting offenders from prison. Another audit objective was to assess the efficiency of the Office of Special Alternative Incarceration in meeting established goals and objectives at minimum cost. The auditors concluded that the office did not meet established goals and objectives at minimum cost. A third audit objective was to assess the Office of SAI's compliance with enabling legislation, annual appropriations act, and State and departmental policies and procedures. The review disclosed that the office was generally in compliance with provisions of the enabling legislation, annual appropriations acts, and applicable State policies and procedures.