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Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Victim Assistance Funds Subawarded by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services to the Legal Aid Justice Center, Charlottesville, Virginia

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2023
17 pages

This paper reports on the Justice Department’s audit of how the Legal Aid Justice Center in Virginia used Victims of Crime Act funds to aid crime victims, and to assess whether it accounted for those funds in compliance with certain award requirements, terms, and conditions; it describes the Office of the Inspector General’s audit approach, objectives, results, conclusions, and recommendations; and includes four appendix documents.


This audit report describes the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG’s) evaluation of funds provided to the Legal Aid Justice Center (LAJC) under a subaward by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). The purpose of LAJC’s Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) subaward funding was to provide services to immigrant victims of workplace crimes of violence across Virginia with a specific emphasis on farm workers. The document discusses the OIG’s audit approach, which involved an assessment of how LAJC used VOCA funds to aid crime victims and whether it accounted for those funds in compliance with select award requirements, terms, and conditions. The report presents audit reports, conclusions, and recommendations. The audit results include: program performance and accomplishments, noting program implementation and services; and financial management, including fiscal policies and procedures, and subaward expenditures and matching costs. The appendix documents include Objective, Scope, and Methodology; LAJC’s response to the draft Audit Report; Virginia DCJS’s response to the draft Audit Report; and the Office of Justice Programs’ response to the draft Audit Report.