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Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Formula Grants Awarded to the South Dakota Department of Social Services, Pierre, South Dakota

NCJ Number
Date Published
July 2017
33 pages
Findings and methodology are reported for the U.S. Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General's (OIG's) audit of the Office of Justice Programs' (OJP's) Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Formula Grants awarded to the South Dakota Department of Social Services (SDDSS) in Pierre, South Dakota.
The SDDSS was awarded $9,496,706 under the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). The VOCA Victim Assistance grant numbers are 2013-VA-GX-0016, 2014-VA-GX-0012, and 2015-VA-GX-0070. The VOCA Victim Compensation grant numbers are 2013-VC-GX0020, 2014-VC-GX-0027, and 2015-VC-GX-0055. The audit's objective was to evaluate the SDDSS design and implementation of its crime victim's assistance and compensation programs. This was done by assessing performance in the following areas of grant management: State program implementation, program performance and accomplishments, grant financial management, and monitoring of sub-recipients. The audit did not identify any significant concerns regarding the SDDSS VOCA victim assistance sub-award allocation plan or the administrative costs charged to the awards; however, deficiencies were found in sub- recipient monitoring, performance report documentation, and compensation claim payment procedures. Five recommendations to OJP address the deficiencies identified in the audit. 3 tables and appended methodology and OJP's and SCCSS's responses to the draft audit report