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Audio and Video Technologies in the Court - Will Their Time Ever Come?

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Dated: (Winter 1983) Pages: 287-306
K L Shuart; L K E Olson
Date Published
20 pages
A variety of audio and video technologies have been available to the courts for several years. Despite the efforts of many within and outside the legal community, court usage of these technologies continues to be sporadic and limited.
In an effort to explain current usage patterns and to predict future usage, we look at three technologies -- audio (or telephone) conferencing, closed-circuit transmissions, and videotape -- in terms of four key performance measures: time expenditure, volume of matters, administrative and procedural adjustments, and the nature of the equipment. These four criteria emerged during a four-year study on civil and criminal courts' applications of telephone conferencing, but also seemed relevant for understanding the use and adoption of the other technologies. (Publisher abstract)