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Atlantis - A Preliminary Evaluation of the Chemical Dependency Treatment Program at the Minnesota State Prison

NCJ Number
M Sadacca; R Snell
Date Published
51 pages
This evaluation report describes ATLANTIS, a chemical dependency treatment program serving inmates at the Minnesota State Prison, and analyzes its clients, operation, and effects for the period July 1, 1976, through June 30, 1978.
Data show that 54.8 percent of the clients completed the program, and 45.2 percent failed to finish. ATLANTIS met its goal of having at least 65 percent of the clients remain chemically free during their involvement in the treatment program. ATLANTIS also met its goal of keeping at least 80 percent of the clients free of disciplinary reports during their involvement in the treatment program. Because ATLANTIS has made good progress in meeting two of its five goals, it should be refunded for the 1979-81 biennium within the Minnesota Department of Corrections' budget. However, program staff should try to bring the occupancy rate up to 90 percent. (Author summary modified)