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Association Between Self-Reported Health and Physical and/or Sexual Abuse Experienced Before Age 18

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect: The Internationa Journal Volume: 32 Issue: 7 Dated: July 2008 Pages: 693-701
Amy E. Bonomi; Elizabeth A. Cannon; Melissa L. Anderson; Frederick P. Rivara; Robert S. Thompson
Date Published
July 2008
9 pages
This investigation describes the relationship between women’s health and history of physical only, sexual only, or both physical and sexual childhood abuse.
Consistent with studies showing a graded relationship between adverse childhood exposures and poor health in adulthood, study findings showed poorest health for women with a history of both physical and sexual child abuse. However, lower health status was observed in women who had a history of physical abuse only or sexual abuse only compared to women without these abuse histories. Research shows that women with a history of physical and/or sexual child abuse experience adverse health into adulthood. However, in all but one research study, it was not possible to determine health effects attributable to physical versus sexual childhood abuse. This study added to the literature by evaluating the association between women’s health and physical and sexual abuse suffered before age 18 using a random sample of 3,568 insured women ages 18-64. Tables and references


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