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Assessment in Police Custody of Individuals Under the Influence of Alcohol With Co-morbid Psychiatric Disorders

NCJ Number
Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Dated: March 2000 Pages: 39-44
L. W. Brownell; P. C. Naik
Date Published
March 2000
6 pages
This paper discusses the presentation of symptoms of psychiatric disorders in individuals with a history of excessive alcohol intake and suggests how they should be assessed in custody.
The Epidemiological Catchment Area Study reported that 37 percent of alcoholics have a co-morbid mental disorder; therefore, it is important that individuals in custody who have a history of excessive alcohol intake are adequately assessed for co-morbid disorders. The assessment of all individuals in police custody should include evaluation of the alcohol intake and an evaluation of the presence of co-morbid psychiatric disorders. The assessment for excessive alcohol intake should include a clinical interview, a comprehensive physical examination, the administration of an alcohol questionnaire, and the use of breath or blood alcohol testing for all individuals suspected of excessive alcohol intake. The second section of this article discusses the clinical features and assessment for the following categories of co-morbid psychiatric disorders that may be found in persons who chronically abuse alcohol: neuropsychiatric disorders, psychotic disorders, mood and neurotic disorders, and personality disorders. 4 tables and 16 references


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