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Assessment of the Effects of Implementing and Publicizing Administrative License Revocation for DWI in Nevada

NCJ Number
J J Lacey; J R Stewart; L M Marchetti; R K Jones
Date Published
53 pages
A public information campaign was launched in Nevada to emphasize strict enforcement of a Nevada law calling for license revocation for drinking while intoxicated (DWI). The law calls for confiscation of licenses of drivers arrested with a blood alcohol concentration of .10 or higher or who refuse to submit to a chemical test.
A post-campaign study indicated that there were statistically significant reductions of up to 12 percent in alcohol-related and nighttime crashes at the time the public information and education campaign was implemented. A follow-up survey revealed that citizens were aware of the law, expected that it was applied rigorously, and reported reduced incidences of driving after drinking. 15 tables, 13 figures, 9 references, and 2 appendixes (Author abstract modified)